Early Orthodontic Treatment to Stop Destructive Thumb Sucking

At some point, your child will probably need to see an orthodontist in Laurel, MD. But when, at what age, and for what issues? In some cases, early orthodontics can help curb destructive habits like thumb-sucking. So, let’s talk about that for a moment.

At What Point Does Thumb Sucking Become Destructive?

Thumb sucking is normal behavior. Between 60-80 percent of children suck their thumb during infancy. It’s a self-soothing mechanism. This behavior usually wanes after six months of age or so. However, if your child is still sucking their thumb after the age of five or six, it could result in serious damage.

The Damages Thumb Sucking Can Cause

Thumb-sucking should be curbed at some point. If it’s not, the following are just a few of the consequences.

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Open bite or overbite
  • Speech impediments
  • Social abuses

And if the thumb-sucking continues after your child’s permanent teeth have come in, it could result in permanent damage.

Using Early Orthodontic Treatments to Stop Thumb Sucking

If you can’t seem to stop the thumb-sucking behavior, early orthodontic treatment in Laurel, MD, could be the solution. But what are early orthodontics? Keep reading…

Orthodontists have a dental appliance for this. The orthodontic “fence” is placed on the roof of your child’s mouth. It’s designed to stop thumb-sucking. It works by breaking the sensation a child gets from sucking their thumb.

Once your child doesn’t experience the self-soothing sensation of sucking their thumb, they won’t continue to do it. The orthodontist will go over everything in more detail with you.

Looking for an Orthodontist in Laurel, MD?

If you are concerned about your child’s thumb-sucking habits, we can help. Please Contact Heller Orthodontics today. We can make some recommendations based on your child’s needs, and together, we can decide on the best path forward.

The Dental Perils of Childhood Thumb-Sucking

It’s normal for a child to suck their thumb to some extent. But when is it not OK? Let’s take a look at some of the things you, as a parent, need to know about your child’s thumb-sucking. Then anorthodontist in Laurel, MD, can help you with this if and when it becomes a problem.

The Dental Perils of Childhood Thumb-Sucking

Childhood thumb-sucking is OK until it’s not. So, let’s go over both. Then, you can talk with a dentist aboutearly orthodontic treatments in Laurel, MD, to help stop thumb-sucking immediately.

  • What Age Should My Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb?

It’s normal for infants to suck their thumbs. It’s a self-soothing mechanism. Most children stop thumb-sucking between the ages of two and three.

  • When It Is and Isn’t OK for a Child to Suck Their Thumb?

Before the age of four, it’s OK for your child to suck their thumb. Once they are past the age of four, they shouldn’t still be sucking their thumb. At six years of age, their baby teeth start to fall out. If they are still sucking their thumb once their adult teeth come in, that’s when potential lifelong problems could occur.

  • The Dental Dangers of Thumb Sucking

The following are the implications of post-toddler thumb-sucking. Misaligned teeth, speech impediments, open bite, and overbite. Not to mention the social ramifications. Thumb-sucking affects the overall development of your child’s jaws, teeth, and palate.

  • How Do I Stop My Child from Sucking Their Thumb?

There are several methods you can try to stop your child from sucking their thumb. However, there is a dental option that is more effective than anything else. It’s an oral appliance designed to stop thumb-sucking quickly and easily. It’s called a palatal crib. It usually stops thumb-sucking immediately.

Looking for an Orthodontist in Laurel, MD, for Your Child?

Don’t allow your child’s thumb-sucking to become a lifetime of problems. PleaseContact Heller Orthodontics today. We can help you break your child of thumb-sucking quickly and easily. Let’s talk about how.