adult braces

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Braces

Your braces don’t require much maintenance, but it’s still important to take care of them. Your orthodontist in Bethesda and Laurel, MD, will give you tips for maintaining your braces once they’re installed. You should also perform the small tasks below to ensure that your braces will be as effective as possible and that your teeth will be healthy and straight when your braces are removed.

1. Brush your teeth twice each day.

Brush your braces twice daily with non-abrasive toothpaste. Food can easily get caught in your braces, so brushing is more important than ever when you have them. Your orthodontist will show you how to brush your teeth when your braces are installed.

2. Floss once daily.

Floss once daily. Flossing is different when you have braces, but you can use a dental floss threader to get the floss through your teeth. If possible, use waxed floss because the non-waxed floss may break or shred more easily around your braces.

3. Eat the right foods.

Some foods aren’t good for braces. Avoid crunchy, sticky, extra chewy, or hard foods that could damage your braces. Pizza crusts, crusty bread, hard candies, caramel, crunchy vegetables, and nuts are all types of food that can cause problems with your braces. Soft foods like cooked vegetables, yogurt, and oatmeal are all better for your braces.

4. Keep up with your appointments at the orthodontist.

Your orthodontist will have you return for regular check-ins and adjustments. Keep up with your appointments, as they will help identify problems with your braces before they become serious.

Have questions about maintaining braces in Bethesda and Laurel, MD? Call your orthodontist at Heller Orthodontics.

Comparing Different Types of Braces

Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, braces can improve your life. If you’re tired of having a crooked smile, consider giving braces a try! Orthodontic treatment can straighten teeth, boost your confidence, and improve your well-being.

In this post, we’ll discuss the different brace varieties that are available today.

Metal Braces

Metal braces consist of steel brackets, wires, and bands. The brackets are attached to your teeth, while the wires and bands connect to those brackets. Over time, the oral appliance creates constant pressure to move teeth to the correct position.

Ceramic Braces

These braces work much like their metal counterpart, but they’re only made of ceramic. This makes them much less noticeable than metal braces. In fact, the brackets, wires, and bands are all tooth-colored, allowing them to blend in with your smile.

If you’re ready to try orthodontic treatment, contact Heller Orthodontics today! We’re happy to offer the leading braces in Laurel, MD!

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces also work similarly to metal and ceramic braces. However, they’re placed on the back side of your teeth instead of the front surface, so you can hardly see them!

Self-Ligating Braces

This device also works to move teeth periodically, but instead of using tiny elastic bands, self-ligating braces utilize a special system to keep the archwire connected.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners may be one of the biggest breakthroughs in the orthodontic industry. These devices don’t use any metal or ceramic at all. Instead, clear aligners consist of plastic trays that snap over your teeth. During treatment, you’ll receive a set of personalized clear aligners to wear for the duration of your treatment plan.

Whether you want clear aligners, metal braces, or something else, Heller Orthodontics has you covered. Call us today to work with the leading orthodontist in Laurel, MD!